#生姜 ,俗名黄姜,古称疆。学名为 Zingiber og ficinale Rosc.。 初生嫩者其尖微紫,名紫姜、子姜; 宿根谓之母姜;新鲜者称生姜; 老者称老姜、老生姜;干燥者为干姜。 姜,即是家喻户晓的日常必备的调味佳品,同时也是保健品 ,又是具有多种功效的良药。李时珍的《本草纲目》讲,姜 “可蔬可和,可果可药”。 的确,烹调蔬菜时放些生姜能使菜味清香可口; 烧鱼炖肉时放些干姜,即可除腥去膻,又能使鱼鲜肉香; 得了伤风感冒,喝碗姜汤能散风驱寒,起到了立竿见影的疗 效。 所以,民间素有: “早吃三片姜,赛过喝参汤” 、 “十月生姜小人参” 、 “朝含三片姜,不用开药方”、 “冬吃萝卜夏吃姜”、 “冬有生姜,不怕风霜”之说。 #姜与人们日常生活就结下了不解之缘 ,在食谱中不可缺少的食物之一。 🥰 🥰 🥰 瀏覽: https://www.zhangvillage.com/ 索取更多質詢 #ginger #bentong #馬來西亞的伴手禮 #raw ginger, also known as Zingiber og ficinale Rosc. Ginger is well known for many of us as a spice in our cooking. Ginger can also be use as health supplement to boost our immune system, as said by some philosopher, ginger can used as vegetables, spices, fruit and medicine. We can add some raw ginger when we cook vegetables. We can add some raw ginger to our seafood dishes as a spice to remove tunpleasantent smell of seafood. We can also eat raw ginger to recover from flu and also maintain body temperature to a healthy level. Therefor...